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Get custom children's stories with Lil' Epics

By Jill Steves

Sick of reading your kids the same stories over and over? Or are you struggling to get your kids to enjoy reading? Lil' Epics gives you personalised and original kids' stories at the push of a button!

Customised childrens' books

Lil' Epics creates original stories for kids

Lil' Epics ("little epics") is a website that creates 100% original stories for you and your kids with the click of a button! There are half a dozen adventure 'types' right now, including stories about superheroes, pets, camping, and playing sports.

Each story is around 600 to 900 words (about 2 pages), and they are written in language simple enough for even new readers to understand. They're perfect both for parents who want new and original bedtime stories for their kids, but also for newer readers who'll be inspired to read stories about themselves.

Visit Lil' Epics and create original children's stories

Customizable childrens' stories

Every Lil' Epics story is customized by you and your kids, for you and your kids.

Once you choose your adventure, you first tell Lil' Epics the names and ages of the characters. These names could be made up, or they could be the real names of your kids, their friends, etc. Kids love to read stories about themselves doing fantastical things, and also love adding in their friends and cousins.

But it's more than just names. Each adventure type has a unique set of questions it asks to help set up theit stories. For example, the camping adventure will ask the reader where they want to go camping. These details are then integrated into the story. Then, as each story grows and branches, it will ask several more brief questions about what the characters will do in response to things happening in the story.

Because of this, every time you go on an adventure, you'll get a 100% unique outcome! Even if you repeat the same adventure and give all the same answers, you'll still get an original story.

Create customised childrens' stories for free

Lil' Epics also offers a free 2-week trial where new users can try out the adventures and see which ones they like best. So head on over and begin creating customised children's stories today!

Posted in Writing products on 2023-03-01 22:57:53 -
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