How to Create Complex and Believable Characters
Creating believable and three-dimensional characters is one of the most important aspects of writing fiction. Readers need to be able to connect with your characters in order to fully engage with your story. Here are some tips on how to create complex, believable characters that will resonate with your readers.
1. Give your characters flaws and weaknesses
We all have them, and so should your characters. No one is perfect, and neither should your protagonist be. Giving them believable flaws will make them more relatable and human.
2. Make sure your character's actions are consistent with their personality
If you have a shy character, they're not going to suddenly start acting extroverted out of nowhere. Inconsistencies like this can break the immersion for readers and make it difficult to take your character seriously.
3. Give your character motivation for their actions
Why are they doing what they're doing? What drives them? Without clear motivation, characters can come across as two-dimensional or unbelievable.
4. Allow your character to grow and change over the course of your story
People change all the time in real life, and so should your characters. They should grow and develop as the story progresses, otherwise they risk becoming stagnant or boring.
5. Write detailed backstories for your characters, even if you don't end up using all of it in your actual story
Knowing everything about your character – their history, their hopes and dreams, their deepest fears – will help you write them more believably. It's also helpful when it comes to nailing down their motivation (see point 3).
6. Run your ideas past beta readers or other trusted people before you commit to them 100%
It can be easy to become attached to certain aspects of our characters that might not actually work in practice. Running things by other people can help you catch any potential problems before they become too big to deal with later on down the line.
Creating believable, three-dimensional characters is essential for writing successful fiction. By following these tips, you can ensure that your characters are well-rounded and complex, and that they will resonate with your readers.